19 Sep

While grooming can seem like an unnecessary chore, it's actually an important part of looking your best. Whether you are just getting into taking care of yourself or have been grooming for years, having the right advice can make your daily routine easier and more efficient. Here are seven men's grooming tips to help you take care of yourself better, with less time and effort involved.

1) Manage Body Hair

Body hair can be unsightly and distracting, especially if it grows in odd places like your ears or eyebrows. If you're trying to impress clients or business partners, body hair can also be off-putting. Shaving is by far one of the easiest ways to maintain proper men's grooming standards. Start with a basic razor and shave gel - that way you don't have to worry about nicks or cuts - then move on to more advanced shaving tools as necessary.

2) Mouth Hygiene

If you're like most people, you brush your teeth at least twice a day. But what about your tongue? It's easy to forget that our breath isn't just influenced by what we eat - it's also impacted by things like bacteria in our mouth, dry mouth, even bad dental hygiene. Brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth for fresher breath.

3) Wash Your Face

Face washing is one of those things that many men neglect, leading to clogged pores and pimples. If you wash your face at night with a good cleanser, you'll help prevent acne and keep your skin healthy. Use an alcohol-free facial cleanser like Ivory Bar Soap (or try out our homemade face wash recipe). One quick tip: don't rub your face too hard; use a circular motion to exfoliate.

4) Shower Daily

While not everyone needs to shower daily, there's a lot of debate about how often you should wash. Many people would argue that washing every day isn't necessary — and while they do have a point, it doesn't hurt to take a hot shower once or twice per week. In addition to making you feel fresh and clean, showering regularly will help remove dead skin cells and excess dirt from your body, making for a healthier complexion and better overall look.

5) Be Active

You may have heard that staying active is one of life's simplest pleasures, but did you know it could also be one of life's most beneficial? Not only does regular exercise improve cardiovascular health and keep excess weight at bay, it also reduces stress, increases energy levels and fights fatigue. It can even reduce your risk for heart disease, diabetes and cancer. When was the last time you felt better about yourself because of a workout? If it's been a while, why not break out those sneakers and get moving today? Check out these 7 tips to make working out easier for you.

6) Use Beard Oil

Some men just aren't genetically gifted with a rugged beard and full head of hair. If you're in that boat, or if you just want to keep your facial hair looking sleek and well-groomed, beard oil is a fantastic choice. It helps keeps your hair soft and shiny while also preventing breakage and split ends. Plus, it has a fresh, subtle scent that won't overpower your cologne. You can find beard oils at most health food stores or on Amazon for around $ 15 per bottle. Simply apply a few drops after washing and drying your face in order to protect against damage from sun, wind, and cold temperatures. Start off using one drop every day; when you notice your skin getting used to it, add another drop or two per day until you hit three or four. Anything beyond that will likely feel greasy.

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